Sharing our success

April 2023

As part of the Liverpool Growers Network open gardens project we hosted a tour of Taking Root in Bootle’s three Community Growing Circles which have established front yard mini-farms, linking at-home food growing with community composting for 130 Bootle households.

Liverpool food growers network


Highlighting the benefits of the circular food economy, we have supported each Growing Circle to become community led and self-sustaining as volunteers are trained in compost management and neighbours develop stronger connections in this shared activity of growing your own food, eating it and then composting the waste to help grow more produce.

Using unlikely growing spaces in front of houses highlights the joy of eating fresh home-grown produce, enhances biodiversity, reduces food waste and creates greener communities through urban street gardens. 

  Creating a sustainable circular environmental loop, members bring their food waste to the compost systems, generating their own compost to top up their planters and sharing seeds and cuttings each spring.

We were delighted to welcome 12 visitors who joined our walking tour to hear our story and dream what life could be like if we all grew our own food.