News Item

Keep fit by the seafront

Ace Fund grant success for Waterloo outdoor keep fit project.

A programme of community outdoor keep fit sessions in Waterloo has become the latest project to win funding from a local grant scheme.

The Friends of Waterloo Seafront Gardens have received £700 from the Regenerus Ace Fund to run a series of waterside fitness sessions in Marine Garden. These will be suitable for local residents of all age groups and fitness levels,

The sessions will enable participants to improve their fitness at a much lower cost than they would pay in a commercial gym.

However, organisers still expect to generate surpluses which they will plough back into maintaining the local gardens they look after which form part of Crosby Coastal Park.

As well as Marine Garden these include seafront Crescent Garden, Adelaide Garden and Beach Lawn Garden and nearby Potters Barn Park on Cambridge Road.

The money will enable volunteers to keep the gardens clean, tidy and free from litter and attractive for the local community to visit.

Regenerus Ace Fund Co-ordinator, Eve Money, commented: “This is the type of project that the Ace Fund was set up to support because it benefits the local community in two ways.

“As well as providing a low-cost opportunity for local residents to improve their health and wellbeing, it will generate funds for the upkeep of Waterloo’s wonderful waterside parks and gardens.”

The Regenerus Ace Fund provides a grant of at least £700 each month to a project that will help to improve life in the organisation’s core south Sefton operating area.

Applications from established community and voluntary organisations are welcome, but the Ace Fund is also open to informal groups of local residents joining forces to work on a one-off, environment-related project.

For more information about future Ace Fund grant opportunities and an application form visit or ring Regenerus on 0151-934 2637.