News Item

Bootle wins Best Urban Community for 2024 at RHS In Bloom – October 2024

This year saw Bootle’s fifth North West in Bloom entry and we were delighted to receive our second gold award, and even more so to be recognised as Best Urban Community for 2024.

Our entry led by Taking Root in Bootle brings together local growing organisations, local residents, Sefton Council and local businesses to green up our town. We know that we are stronger when we work together and that when we all look after our own little part of Bootle we can achieve big results.

Throughout the year our volunteer community growers meet for a few hours on a Friday (the Friday Tidy!) focusing on a different site each week.

Many of the sites we visit on our judging route in August are looked after by local groups and our urban entry incorporates amazing gardens where food growing and flowers exist beautifully together, street corners where volunteers have greened up their local area and improved grotspots where beautiful wildflower patches now grow on rubble, all thanks to organisations who are committed to greening up their corner of our town, lots of which also enter the RHS In Your Neighbourhood competition.

Bootle is a greener town because of our In Bloom entry and the work of Taking Root in Bootle. Whilst there is still a lot of work to be done, we are very proud of the journey we have made since 2019 and the impact we have created. Quite simply our streets are greener and brighter because of our efforts.