Unravel Tomorrow

Looking back at Unravel Tomorrow’s success

Unravel Tomorrow wants to promote understanding of how social entrepreneurs build better tomorrows, by engaging and connecting potential social entrepreneurs and activists to become competent and confident pioneers of change, to:

  • Unleash their creativity
  • Uncover new ideas
  • Learn new skills
  • Take action

Throughout our project we were reminded by our stakeholders that hearing the stories of successful social entrepreneurs and social innovators is not just motivating, but offers a valuable learning experience, so our digital course is packed with case studies from across Europe.

The Unravel Tomorrow MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) follows six modules each gathering a set of related ideas, challenges and dreams collected from pioneers’ experiences. 

We encourage you to get acquainted with the endeavours and learning journeys that inspired us and will inspire you to become a changemaker yourself!

Supported by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, all our resources are FREE.

You can register here

Trainers and educators – are you helping aspiring social entrepreneurs?

Why not add our resources to your social enterprise training, whether that’s investigating current perspectives in the journal, learning from case studies you can read about in the gallery, or encouraging your students to follow our course.

We invite you to read our Field Guide for a quick introduction. Available in English, Portuguese, Latvian, German and Italian, it is available to download on our website here.

Celebrating the Unravel Tomorrow project

On 11th January 2021 we launched the exhibition, ‘Faces of Tomorrow’, at Centro de Inovação Social da Fundação Eugénio de Almeida, in Évora (Portugal).

This exhibition is the culmination of our journey in the project Unravel Tomorrow, sharing the stories and projects of inspiring pioneers from Europe, who have acted as social agents building better futures.

Click on the image above to enjoy a quick tour of the Faces of Tomorrow exhibition, celebrating the Unravel Tomorrow project, supported by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. 

With the challenges being faced by our world at the moment, we wanted to do everything to spread the word widely, so we also organised an online meeting on 27th January to share all we learned about during our adventure in the Unravel Tomorrow project. 

Sharing our results in Bootle

It was small and socially distanced, but a real pleasure to share our Unravel Tomorrow results with local stakeholders. 

Our online course is packed with case study examples, sharing the stories of inspiring changemakers, so that we can learn from those who have been there and done it! 

At our event in Bootle, we introduced our learning journey to encourage everyone to make use of our resources to support the development of aspiring social entrepreneurs and social innovators. 

We invite you to help us improve our digital course

We are excited to launch the Beta version of the Unravel Tomorrow Massive Open Online Course (MOOC).

The Unravel Tomorrow Learning Journey offers learning resources to support educators, empowering new social entrepreneurs to think about and learn from the experiences of changemakers, strengthen skills and develop ideas to take action.

This digital course invites students to investigate new perspectives, think about what is emerging, be inspired by and learn from the pioneers to imagine and unravel a flourishing and inclusive tomorrow.

We are pilot testing our MOOC, you can find the link here or go directly to the registration page here.


Please visit and tell us what you think – find the survey on the Assessment page.

Experiential Workshop 3 – Copenhagen – Denmark

Completing our experiential workshop experiences, 15 social entrepreneur pioneers visited Copenhagen in December 2019 to learn more from leading players in the city and from each other.

Co-creation was key to this Copenhagen learning journey. Visiting and talking to experts and practitioners within the fields of design, politics and business, our participants explored:

  • Looking for opportunities and testing ideas with Rie Maktabi and Monika Havnø of Let’s Co.
  • Making interventions for the sustainable transition of politics with Rasmus Nordqvist, MP of The Alternative.
  • Designing community-based approaches to turn trash into treasure with Tommy Lykkefod of Copenhagen Circularity Lab.
  • Initiating action in rural communities and spurring a pioneer spirit with Malene Lundén of Samsø Energy Academy.
  • Uncovering the needs of places through social architecture with Niels Ove Kildahl, partner in Hele Landet.

Together they drew on what they had learnt to co-create a set of insights about what it takes to work effectively together to create a better society.

Meeting new friends from across the EU, identifying more than 50 signals of change related to co-creating and collectively making the following five insights to shine light on our research question.

Read more about the learning journey highlights in our workshop report – click here.

New reports are published

Building on the strong relationships built during the Tomorrow’s Land project the partners Advancis, (Portugal), Bespoke (Denmark), Münster University of Applied Science (Germany), Politecnico di Milano (Italy), Regenerus (UK) and Socialias Inovacijas Centrs (Latvia) continue their collaboration on Unravel Tomorrow, again supported by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

Unravel Tomorrow builds on the foundations of Tomorrow’s Land, focusing on the mindset of social innovators to boost social activism and social entrepreneurship across Europe, to develop our learning journey to support future pioneers as they Unravel Tomorrow and shape a better future.

Experiential learning is at the heart of our project, so, curious to find out more about the experiences, challenges and dreams for the future of the social innovators, social entrepreneurs and social activists who are already actively exploring and creating new ways of working, partners have interviewed 34 pioneers of Tomorrow from across Europe.

Now we are excited to launch The Unravel Tomorrow Journal and The Unravel Tomorrow Gallery presenting insights to inspire social entrepreneurship and social activism. Both reports are now available for download on our website www.unravel-tomorrow.eu.

Follow us on our journey to empower a new generation of pioneers to unravel the present and create a better tomorrow.

Facebook @unraveltomorroweu

Twitter @UnravelTomorrow

Experiential workshop 2 – Matosinhos – Portugal

In September 2019, our pioneering social entrepreneurs shared ideas, perspectives and experiences by immersing themselves in the Matosinhos community in Portugal, being introduced to different social innovation projects and social enterprises.

Regenerus were delighted to support three participants from local organisations – Sefton CVS, the Feelgood Factory and the Venus Centre – to meet up with other like-minded people from across Europe, all interested in how we can build more social enterprises to make a difference in our local communities.

Together the 15 participants enjoyed learning from local organisations including:

*CEiiA, a hub of innovative research and invention, developing new ideas into products and processes to address some of the challenges we face in today’s world.

*The local market in Matosinhos, which has rebuilt itself with a real community focus, led by the stallholders and local shops.

*Scholé, a school with a difference, which aims to educate in active collaboration with the family and the community to stimulate curiosity and encourage exploration and discovery to nurture active citizens.

In the Talkshop, the group met with two social entrepreneurs, one encouraging people to try to achieve a zero-waste lifestyle, and the other designing avatars to encourage children to engage and connect, learning from their experiences in establishing their projects.

Interspersed with workshops investigating key skills and competences, participants were also set a challenge, so they could put their newly-acquired skills into practice working on the design of a real local project!

There are so many benefits to international learning experiences, as our participants told us, from “meeting inspired change-makers” to “learning about the different community initiatives from my peers in their home cities”. Everyone came away inspired by “knowing that there’s people thinking in an ‘alternative’ way, away from the traditional system”.

Showcasing some of the best of our local social enterprises

Regenerus was excited to host the first Unravel Tomorrow experiential workshop in Liverpool in May 2019. Creating an international learning experience for aspiring social entrepreneurs from across Europe, this was a fantastic opportunity to showcase some of the best of the social economy across Liverpool City Region.

15 participants spent three days visiting 11 social enterprises operating in a variety of business sectors including women’s enterprise training, incubator units and co-working space, digital and media training, creative, arts and culture, food sustainability, maker spaces, tech and manufacturing.

From early stage start-ups like Alchemy Kitchen and iWoman and co-working spaces the Invisible Wind Factory, Make North Liverpool and DoES, to the well-established organisations generating profits through their trading activities, such as Baltic Creative, SAFE Regeneration and the Women’s Organisation, our local social entrepreneurs shared their organisations’ stories, from how and why they started to where they are now, highlighting key successes and challenges along the journey, and the roots to sustainability, so that our visitors could learn from their experiences.

The experiential workshop was designed to help these aspiring social entrepreneurs on their journey to setting up a new social enterprise, by improving their knowledge and understanding of social enterprise, and beginning to strengthen their skills and competences to develop their own project idea.

Inviting participants to join the Unravel Tomorrow community, we are also keen that the shape and content of the digital learning resources we are developing as part of the project (Massive Online Open Course) is designed by potential users to ensure that it reflects their needs and is useful, relevant and appropriate to adult learners in all national contexts.

Interspersed with creative activity sessions, the blended learning experience encouraged reflection and gathered feedback and views on the key skills and competences demonstrated by the social entrepreneurs to inform the Learning Framework.

This was the first of three Unravel Tomorrow experiential workshops. The second will take place in Porto, Portugal in September and the third will be Copenhagen, Denmark in December. Regenerus will be supporting six local people who are interested in setting up a new social enterprise and want to learn more by hearing about the experiences of social enterprises in Europe, to join these visits. All travel costs are supported by the project, which is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. If you are interested in taking part, contact hello@regenerus.org.uk to find out more.

The Tomorrow’s Land journey continues…

For two years project partners have explored how social innovation and collaborative economies will shape the future of Europe.

However, partners are now excited to announce that we have been successful in being awarded support for a second project from the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, to continue to work together and build on Tomorrow’s Land to develop our learning journey and support future pioneers as they Unravel Tomorrow.

Now we want to learn from the innovators, entrepreneurs and activists shaping Tomorrow – our collective future society and economy. Unravel Tomorrow builds on the foundations of Tomorrow’s Land, focusing on the mindset of social innovators to boost social activism and social entrepreneurship across Europe.

Through physical and virtual materials, workshops and meet ups we will connect aspiring change makers with the skills, resources and perspectives that will empower them to Unravel Tomorrow and shape a better future.

Again, Regenerus are the lead partners and we will be working together with partners Advancis in Portugal, Bespoke in Denmark, Politecnico di Milano in Italy, Münster University of Applied Science in Germany and Socialias Inovacijas Centrs in Latvia.

Our first steps in this new project are to undertake extensive research which will lead to two publications: our ‘Faces of Tomorrow’ catalogue and an as-yet-unnamed trend report, showcasing enablers and scenarios for a better Tomorrow.

Currently partners are busy interviewing 32 pioneers of Tomorrow, curious to find out more about the experiences, challenges, dreams and plans for the future of people who are already actively exploring and creating new ways of working.

Watch this space for our ‘Faces of Tomorrow’ catalogue, coming soon.

Follow us on our journey to empower a new generation of pioneers to unravel the present and create a better tomorrow.

Website http://www.unravel-tomorrow.eu

Facebook @unraveltomorroweu

Twitter @UnravelTomorrow