May 2019
The Gateway Collective and Lotus Brook have been working on their community gardens in North and South Park respectively for four years. This year they have teamed up to create a growing corridor to connect the two gardens and brighten up Stanley Road with flowers. With the support of the owners of the ‘Car Booty’ car park by the Merton pub they have already begun work planting bulbs and flowers in the planters along Stanley Road and work is soon to begin outside Bootle Library with support from Human Library volunteers.
This project has been funded by the People’s Health Trust using money raised through the Health Lottery in the North West. Both The Gateway Collective and Lotus Brook are keen members of the Taking Root in Bootle network, facilitated by Regenerus, a local social enterprise, which connects local community growing projects and is the impetus behind Bootle’s entry into the prestigious RHS In Bloom competition. Anyone from the local community is welcome to get involved in both the community garden and corridor projects. For more information email Ali Horton – – or just turn up at Bootle Library on Thursday 13th and Friday 14th June from 10-2pm to help us work!