New Doers’ Get Together launched

May 2018

Launching the Taking Root Doers’ Get Together

Taking Root is all about building a collaborative network of community gardens, food and health projects in south Sefton, and connecting our network of more than 100 volunteers to enable a sharing economy to build community resilience, improve health and wellbeing and to have fun.

It was time to get everyone together, so in May we organised the launch of the Doers’ Get Together, inviting along the people who really get stuff done, come rain or shine.

We were really pleased to be joined by 26 people representing 20 different organisations and groups.

Richard Scott of the National Wildflower Centre, now part of the Eden Project, was our guest speaker. Richard reinforced the importance of the environmental work our volunteers do, and explained how this contributes to the wider impact of a greener, cleaner city region. A great inspiration for us all!

Our aim was to create a space where people got to know each, making new friends and sharing their experiences. So we got creative, looking at new ways we could work together.


And came up with some great ideas!