News Item

Residents invited to get involved in Bootle In Bloom

South Sefton residents are being invited to get involved in Bootle’s entry in the prestigious 2020 Royal Horticultural Society North West in Bloom event.

Last year community organisations and hard-working volunteers, supported by Green Sefton, worked together to green up local parks and streets in preparation for the town’s first-ever In Bloom entry.

The judges visited community gardens and growing projects in July, and subsequently awarded Bootle a bronze medal, just two points short of a silver award.

Buoyed up by this initial success the Bootle in Bloom team are now determined to go all out for silver in this year’s competition, and are looking for local volunteers to help them.

There are many opportunities for residents to get involved, from helping out in a community garden to working as part of the team planting on the streets.

For example, staff and volunteers from local social enterprises The Gateway Collective and Lotus Brook are meeting every month to green up Stanley Road as part of a project funded by the People’s Health Trust, and would welcome the support of local people.

Local businesses can also get involved, by greening up their premises or sponsoring the Bootle in Bloom team to do it on their behalf.

Bootle in Bloom is spearheaded by a group of local growing organisations that are part of the ‘Taking Root in Bootle’ network.

Ruth Livesey of Regenerus, who co-ordinates the network, commented: “Getting involved in growing and planting activities not only makes Bootle look great, but also makes people feel better too!

“Working as part of the Bootle in Bloom team helps everyone to achieve more and helps us all to be proud of our town. We would be delighted to welcome anyone who wants to get involved and help out.”

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