News Item

Linacre residents have longer to apply for ‘green’ grants

Bootle residents have longer to apply for the latest batch of ‘green’ grants to fund projects that tackle grotspots and improve the appearance of the town’s Linacre electoral ward.

Because of the Coronavirus pandemic the deadline for the latest round of the Environmental Improvements Fund has been extended to 31st July 2020.

The fund offers grants of between £250 and £1,000 to new projects developed by local people.

The grants are supported by Linacre Ward elected members, with funding coming from Sefton Council.  The scheme is managed by Bootle-based social enterprise Regenerus.

Any group of Linacre Ward residents can apply to the fund, whether they are part of a community organisation working with volunteers, or just a group of friends and neighbours who want to work together on a local environmental project.

Successful projects from previous rounds have ranged from improving one of the key gateways into Bootle to creating a community ‘pick your own’ fruit, vegetables and herbs project in a local park.

Elsewhere in the town funding has brightened up local roads with planters and hanging baskets, and helped people in recovery to clear overgrown plots and learn horticultural skills.

Ruth Livesey of Regenerus commented: “Like pretty much every other aspect of life in this country over the last few months Covid 19 has had an impact on the Environmental Improvements Fund.

“Residents just haven’t been able to get together to check out potential sites for improvement, and plan the details of their projects.

“That’s why we’ve extended the deadline for the latest round of grants, and as things now slowly get back to something like normal we’re looking forward to receiving some imaginative applications,” added Ruth.

Guidelines and application forms can be downloaded here.

Organisers stress that the planning and implementation of projects must strictly adhere to all Government Coronavirus guidelines in force at the time.