Although the development stage of the project came to an end in early 2017, young people across Europe continue to benefit from its achievements.
The project enables the young people to boost their personal, social and employability skills through transnational links using an innovative virtual mobility app.
Six organisations were partners in the project – Regenerus (UK), Citrus Suite (UK), Fundacion Intras (Spain), Verikom (Germany), Academic Centre of European Information and Education (ACIEE – Poland) and Youth Power (Cyprus). The partners were chosen to maximise the project’s coverage in terms of geographical area, sectors, cultures and expertise.
Connect targeted practitioners in the five countries who work with young people including teachers, youth workers, trainers, managers, youth-led organisations and policy makers. It provided these people with a virtual handbook containing all the information and advice they needed to design and deliver the project and app at local level, and to engage with young people, in particular those not in education, employment or training, or with few opportunities.
In practice, the app enables groups of young people in different countries to work together on virtual mobility tasks, carrying out a range of activities linked to the achievement of knowledge and skills defined at the outset.
They can then use the app to record the results of their efforts using photos, videos,audio recordings and social media, all of which they can share instantly via real-timeexchange.