While it was in operation, the Regenerus Ace Fund provided a grant of up to £700 each month to a project in its core operating areas of Bootle, Litherland, Seaforth and Netherton.
Applications from established community and voluntary organisations were welcome, but the Ace Fund was also open to informal groups of residents joining forces to work on a one-off ‘green’ project.
However, according to Ace Fund guidelines, applications had to relate to new projects, not ongoing ones. In addition, the grant had to cover all or the majority of the cost of a project, rather than being a contribution to the financing of a larger scheme.
Apart from these general rules, the fund guidelines were left deliberately broad to encourage as many groups as possibly to apply using a simple online form
The Ace Fund was established because, as part of its constitution, Regenerus has to plough any surplus income back into regeneration projects in the area.
Many small projects benefited from Ace Fund support, adding up to a big difference to life in south Sefton.
If surpluses increase, Regenerus hopes to provide additional Ace Fund grants. The organisation is also appealing to local businesses to help the scheme expand by making regular small contributions to the grant fund each month.
Regenerus Chair, Councillor John Fairclough, commented: “Whether it involves creating a community garden or cleaning up a local grotspot, the Ace Fund is all about fostering community spirit and generating pride in our neighbourhoods.
“Over time we believe that all the small-scale projects that the Ace Fund supports will add up to a big difference to life in south Sefton.”